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Getting an Object to Stop or Change Direction!

In this weeks lab we investigated how to get an object in motion to stop moving or change direction. We tried this idea with many objects not just cars. The idea was to have students figure out a general idea of how to get anything that is moving to stop moving or change its direction. Students set up a series of tests with cars, balls, ramps, glue steps, blocks and much more. They tried to see if putting an object in the direct path of something moving would always stop the object. This led them down the path of asking many other questions: does the object blocking the moving object have to be bigger, stationary, heavier, or made of a different material to stop the object in motion? Is that other object giving off a force?

We tested their ideas for two days and catalogued a list of conclusions based on their scenarios:

1. The object stopping the object in motion is giving off a force.

2. The object stopping the object in motion must have a stronger force than the object in motion.

3. Squishy objects catch objects in motion better, because rigid objects make the object bounce backwards.

4. Putting a force pushing down on the object will stop it.

5. Things going down hill are harder to stop.

6. To make some thing change directions you use a force going a different direction to push it (ex: like in soccer or baseball).

7. Objects that collide into each other will change directions.

This was a GREAT start to understanding forces and how they work. As they progress in their learning and take additional physics classes they will build on these observations and ideas.

Please take a peak!

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University of Chicago Laboratory School

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