Introduction to Magnets!
This week we started a new unit on MAGNETS! This is by far the most excited I have seen our young scientists! They already have so much knowledge about magnets and how/why we use magnets! In order to discover and share just how much we already know about magnets I had students break up into groups of 2-3 people and compete a thinking map or the "K" section of a KWL. The K represents everything they know to be true about a certain topic. As we learn things, they can either circle their idea, confirming it is true, or cross things out meaning it was an inaccurate statement. We discuss the importance of sharing our ideas with one another and valuing everyone's understanding. As they begin to learn more facts and big ideas throughout the unit, they will fill in the "L" section which stands for things they have learned.
I asked students to think about their knowledge and understanding of magnets as it pertains to these questions:
1. What does a magnet look like?
2. What does a magnet do?
3. How does a magnet work?
4. What do we use magnets for?
5. What does a magnet stick to?
6. What are some facts about magnets?
7. Will things stick to anywhere on a magnet?
8. What happens if you place a magnet near another magnet?
9. Do all magnets have the same force?
10. What determines how strong a magnet is?