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W.S.D with Ms. Davis's class!

Ms. Davis's class worked really hard the past one month to earn their W.S.D (Wacky Science Day). It's a special day meant for them to explore and learn about things they are really interested in after they display their best work and behavior in class. The kids expressed interest in working on a design challenge surrounding the idea of magnets. With this in mind I designed the following challenge for them:

Challenge: Build a magnet powered car that can get a car to move 1 meter using only 2 magnets.

Materials: water bottles, milk cartons, bottle caps, tape dispenser rolls, masking tape, straws, wooden dowels, cd's, clay, balloons, cereal boxes and 2 magnets.

They had an amazing time working with one another to solve this challenge within their allotted 45 minutes. Here are some of their very creative designs:

They were very reflective with their designs given the time constraints. Here are some of their thoughts as they begin to test their cars:

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University of Chicago Laboratory School

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