Conducting a Fair Test: Does a car travel farther?
This week we are writing our first fair test in class. Students are learning all about how to conduct a fair test while learning about...
Learning About a Fair Test!
After conducting our first experiment and getting data all across the board, my students realized something must have gone wrong. We...
Examining Balanced & Unbalanced Forces
Based on our last lab we learned that objects at rest will stay at rest unless you give them a push or pull. We also learned that...
Making an Observation!
Part of being an excellent scientist is making detailed observation using your five senses. It is important to help other people...
Exploring Forces with Cars!
In order to gather more information about how different forces affect the motion, speed and direction of an object, students used...
Starting our unit on Forces and Motion!
This week we started our unit on forces and motion. Our young scientist shared with each other all they know about how and why things...
Getting to know the EDP!
Today we took a look at the process we have been using to design our towers. It is called the Engineering Design Process also known as...
Improving our Design: Back to the Drawing Board!
Today in class our young engineers took an opportunity to reflect on the ideas that went well and those that required a little more work....
Evaluating our Designs!
With a first attempt under their belts it was time to take a closer look at what worked and what didn't. Our engineers put their...
EDC: Marshmallow Towers!
This week we dove right in to our first Engineering Design Challenge (EDC)! Our young engineers were asked to design and build the...